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Capture Moments with White Wall

On November 30, 2016, in News, by Couponology

I love pictures. I think they hold stories, and are such a great way of capturing and remembering a moment in time. One day while on a walk with my grandfather, he got ahead and I snapped the below photo of him. When I showed it to my family, everyone said the photo had to be printed!


Rather than printing a traditional 8 x 10 and putting it into a frame, we got a little creative and decided to send the image off to White Wall. Sending the image to them was so simple that even my (not-so-tech-savvy) grandmother could do it! Upon browsing their website, we decided the best way for us to display this picture was to have it blown up and put on a canvas! First, you upload your picture, then you select what kind of canvas you want, the canvas size, and whether or not you want a frame. We ended up choosing the canvas on stretcher, and opted to not include the frame. There are SO many different canvases to choose from, as well as different types of frames and different colors for the frames, that the possibilities are truly endless. If you choose to upload a color photo, the picture will look that much more radiant with the company’s 8 color pigment printing. The canvas was the perfect fit for what we were looking for, but I also really liked the picture books that they sell online. I think a picture book makes a wonderful gift for anyone, and it can also be a great way to display old wedding or special occasion pictures you may have.



We received the canvas in the mail from White Wall with no issue, and absolutely loved the finished product. There was something about putting the image on the canvas that really did it justice, as opposed to having it printed as a standard framed photo. The image wraps around the edges of the canvas, giving it a clean and sleek look. It adds the perfect finishing touch to the hallway in my home where we hung it, and we couldn’t be happier with our decision. If you’re in need of a great gift that’s anything but ordinary, these canvases are a great way to go. We get so many compliments on our new work of art from friends and family that I’ve already had aunts asking if we could help them order one of their own. I can’t stress it enough: you can’t go wrong with this buy! Go ahead and check out White Wall’s selection for yourself – I promise it’ll change how you display your pictures from now on. Still not convinced? Use our White Wall Promo Code for 20% off your order, and enjoy some savings with your new works of art!


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