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Your Summer Adventure Awaits at LITB!

On March 19, 2017, in News, by Couponology

With warmer weather (hopefully) soon to be upon us, you’re probably going to start thinking about what to do with your kiddos once school lets out for the summer. Well, I have the perfect idea for you: go camping or hiking as a family! Don’t have a tent or sleeping bag? That’s completely fine, because our favorite discount website Light In The Box certainly does!

It wasn’t the tents or sleeping bags that caught my eye though, it was this contraption that did!

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You’ve probably seen the videos of people running around “catching” air to fill these with, and now you can actually own one. My friend’s family got a few of these for Christmas, and they are the coolest things ever! Available from Light In The Box in multiple colors, it’s bound to be the newest must-have for camping and hiking. The SWIFT Outdoor®Inflatable Hangout, Air Sleep Camping Bed, Beach Sofa, Lounge Lazy Chair is a great buy, because you’re kids will go bananas for it! They can be set up quickly, are light weight, and are very small when folded for easy storing. They’re made of nylon so they don’t feel sticky, and can support up to 350 pounds.

This is a 5-star product on Light In The Box, and it has a bunch of fantastic reviews about how well-made the product is and how quickly and hassle-free it was shipped.

After stumbling upon this gem of a product, I know I have to start planning all my summer trips and order one of these lounges to take with me on all my warm weather adventures! Plus, with a price tag of only $12.99, it’s hard to resist the urge to buy one in every color.

There are 95 days until the official start of summer, so you’d better hop to it! ☀️


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