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My Baby Maple Tree & The Arbor Day Foundation

On May 10, 2017, in News, by Couponology


“We inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees”. Dedicated to this belief, Arbor Day Foundation, founded in 1972, has become one of the largest nonprofit organizations with millions of members and partners. I strongly believe that they made this dream come true, as the environmental and global effect of their activities is priceless, along with the preservation of nature to improve the quality of life for next generations. I was informed of a public event in my college hosted by one of Arbor Day Foundation’s programs, and two days after Arbor Day, I found myself at the community park in my town planting a young maple tree along with other volunteers. This experience made me feel as though I could really make a difference; it was like planting a small baby that I could watch grow during my lifetime.

I later found out that 135,000,000 people living in more than 3,400 towns and cities are participating in Tree City USA, an Arbor Day Foundation community improvement program that has preserved and expanded public trees across America since 1976. Through the urban forest management framework, eco-conscious volunteers have managed to create cleaner air shade, lower energy costs, and storm water control. All these amazing results were accomplished by meeting 4 crucial criteria: maintaining a tree board or department, having a community tree ordinance, spending at least $2 per capita on urban forestry, and of course, celebrating Arbor Day!
Because I know one day I will be a mother as well, it is more important than ever for children to learn how the ecosystem works, and to respect nature. Nature Explore Classrooms Movement, a collaborative program with Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation, has embraced the fact that children are the future of this world with numerous activities such as outdoor classroom design services, educator workshops and natural products across the country. Involvement from college students is also strongly present, stemming from the formation of Tree Campus USA. The program is designed to help colleges and universities promote healthy community trees and reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, encouraging them to create a more sustainable future for all.

All the trees that are planted are tolerant, strong, and carefully picked according to the climate of each geographical area. Arbor Day is here to remind us of all the benefits of the trees, and how blessed and miraculous creatures of nature are. It is a festive holiday that celebrates life and hope, and focuses on the future with trees that will purify the air and clean the water and soil for generations to come. Now more than ever, it is necessary for all of us to grab a shovel and celebrate Arbor Day, protecting life and the environment. People have the power to change the world, but only if they want to.

It’s been 10 years since I finished college, and every day I pass by the public park to see that my tree is still there. Strong, tall, and with beautiful red leaves, it gazes proudly on to the horizon and the children playing happily underneath it. Whenever I pass my tree in the park, I can’t help but think that one day, my child will learn how precious nature is and will hopefully plant a tree next to mine.

As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.” With that in mind, if you are compelled to get involved and make a difference, stop by the Arbor Day Foundation website and check out all of the great programs you can participate in around your community. Otherwise, stop by the Arbor Day Foundation’s shop & save on your order with our 10% off promo code; all purchases made through the Foundation help support important tree planting efforts around the globe!


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