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PLNDR Promo Codes

On January 25, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

You can find a lot of cool styles online; things you couldn’t find at any old mall. That’s one of the many beauties of the internet, you have the access to more than you ever would have before.  There are even some sites that take the exclusivity of being online a step further. Stores like PLNDR that only deal in online shopping require you to sign up before you can even browse their selection. is an exclusive, members-only online boutique that hosts limited time sales (often between 48 and 72 hours) offering the best in streetwear from cutting-edge brands at prices up to 80%-off – that’s practically stealing! – PLNDR “About Us” Page

Time remaining at 10:37, 01/25/12

I don’t know how they can be considered a members only boutique, they don’t sell members only jackets! Alright, that might not be exactly what they’re talking about, and you’ll have to go thrifting if you’re looking for a members only jacket.

If you like the urban styles you can find at sites like KarmaLoop, you’ll love PLNDR. Running under the same owner, these two sites offer similar apparel, but the PLNDR twist is all the insane deals you’ll find. Like the excerpt above says, they have very short and heavy sales. Once you sign up and sign in, you’ll be brought directly to a list of brands and the different discounts you can get. Just choose one that you’re interested in and fill up your cart.

If the whole “sign up” concept is off-putting to you, don’t worry about it. All they ask for is your name and email address, so they can send you updates. You can put your phone number, but it’s optional. Once you put in your info and make a password, you’re ready to go. IT’S THAT EASY! You can even top off PLNDR’s private price reduction with our PLNDR promo code for 15% off order of $100 or more!

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