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DotW #4 – TigerDirect Promo Codes

On January 29, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

If you were going to base online shopping on what you see on this blog, you might not get the entire picture. It’s not that we’re neglecting an aspect of what the internet has to offer consumers; we just have a much bigger supply of online coupons and promo codes for things like apparel. Home goods, sports equipment and larger electronics end up at the back of our priorities list, but we have them, and you should know about it! There are very few deals for expensive electronics like HDTVs, and that makes this Deal of the Week even better.

Depending on where you’re from, there’s a good chance you’ve never seen a TigerDirect. They only have stores in seven states, and not many in most of the states lucky enough to have them. In-store shopping is sooooo last century, anyway. Like all of our merchants, you can access TigerDirect online, and you’ll want to in a second. This week’s deal is a double feature. We have two TigerDirect promo codes: you can go big with $1300 off a Sony Bravia 46″ 3D LED HDTV, or go EVEN BIGGER $600 off a Sony Bravia 55″ LED, WiFi ready, 3D HDTV.

You really have to check out these TVs! I have a picture of the 55″ over on the right, with the remote and some boxes next to it for reference. The thing is huge! I’m a big movie fan and I’m dying to get my hands on either one of these. All of your friends will be clambering to come by for a movie night or any sports event, and video-games will be that much more immersion. If you haven’t gone HD yet, now is the time to do it, and do it right. If you already have an HDTV, don’t you want a bigger one? Maybe one with 3d? Make your upgrade at TigerDirect soon; this DotW ends 12/04!

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