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DotW #5 – Crane & Co. Online Coupon

On February 12, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

Last week was deal-less! Well, not really. There were certainly deals, but we didn’t have any featured in our “Spotlight” section, like we usually do. Here’s a sincere apology in the form of another way for you to keep your budget.

The good folks at Crane & Co. must have known I was going to be checking them out, because they wrote a little blurb on their site. It’s fairly perfect for what I’m doing here. 

“Same distinctive products, but at distinctly lower prices. For a limited time: shop these select gift & accessory items and receive up to 50% off the retail price. Quantites are very limited. All purchases of “on sale” items are final.”

If you’re not already familiar with Crane & Co., you’ve been missing out. They sell unique crafts for all kinds of occasions. You can get stationary for things like weddings, holidays, thank you notes, babies, business and more!

Since I left you in the dark last week, I’m not going to waste anymore time this week. You can get up to 75% off select items from this stationery store!

That’s right, our Crane & Co. online coupon could get you as much as three-quarters off the retail price of certain products. Find discounted gift tags, printable invitations, business card cases, and so much more!

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