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DotW – Coupon Code

On March 4, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

It hasn’t been long since our last blog about gardening supplies, but hey, it’s the season to get everything ready. Just step outside and find out for yourself! It’s undeniable that the winter has been warmer than usual, and it seems like we will be getting into the spring season faster than we usually would.

You can’t let mother nature get ahead of you. Your garden needs to be ready for when the flowers start to bloom. To do that, you’ll need to have all the right equipment, and that’s where this Deal of the Week comes in.

The DotW will help you get everything you need to work your green thumb’s magic to it’s greatest potential. For our fantastic merchant,, you can take $10 off any order of $99 or more! is a great website regardless. It may have come second to this blog, in regard to garden sites, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the products they sell. If you’ve gone to their site, you already know what I’m talking about.

Their selection is MASSIVE! That’s not an exaggeration; they have gardening how-to’s, equipment, pots, outdoor decorations, and so much more. Don’t worry though, all these categories are broken down into appropriate categories and sub-categories, so the site never gets too cluttered to understand what’s going on.

You can save even more than that $10 when you use the other coupons. Get up to 34% off grass & weed killers, up to 80% off a large selection of clearance items, and standard shipping starting at just $4.99.

Remember, all you have to do to use our coupon codes is reveal the code, copy it, and paste it at checkout. As far as the online coupons without codes, just click their links to activate.

You can’t over-water your plants, and you can’t over-spend on your budget!

One Response to DotW – Coupon Code

  1. Ahmed says:

    Are you serious? No maettr how much money a person has, why would they not want to save (even more) money? I will continue to coupon until 1) I can no longer use my hands to clip coupons; 2) I can no longer bear the weight of my binder; or 3) I am no longer OF this world.

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