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AFG Fitness Online Coupons

On April 2, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

If you haven’t started already, you have to get to working out. I know, I know; it’s rough getting back into the routine. After all, we’ve all been hibernating since early November. That’s five straight months of sleeping in, slothing around, and eating more than our fair share of indulgent foods.

It’s ok, though, with some dedication and determination, we can turn our doughy exteriors and harden them up. Well, with those things and some help from the pros over at AFG Fitness. There you can find all the cardio equipment to help you get into the shape you want for summertime.

Personally, I like cardio more than I like weight lifting. It doesn’t bulk up your muscles, but it cuts your fat and tones everything, not to mention brings up your endurance like crazy. If you couple that with some lifting here and there, you’ll be in prime conditioned in no time.

There are a lot of different types of cardio, too. You have your traditional treadmill, for running exercise. I don’t really like running, much, because it puts a lot of strain on

18.0AXT Elliptical

your legs. If you noticed you feel some pain when running or jogging, an elliptical is what you want. It simulates a roller-skating type motion to take the place of running, and cause less stress to the legs.

Now if you’re just starting to get into shape, or you just like cycling, an excessive bike is your best bet. Not to say that it can’t be an intense workout, but since you’re in a sitting position, it can be a great starter workout for less active users. Once you build yourself up, you can get just as intense as anything else, so it works best for building yourself from nothing.

Why would you be here, if not to get some deals? We have a lot of AFG Fitness online coupons that will get you up to $300 off AFG Fitness clearance inventory, free UPS shipping with free inside home delivery, assembly and cleanup, $1000 off the 18.0AXT Elliptical, and a ton of other money-saving/muscle-building coupons.

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